Welcome to civic mfb
Excellent Service for Everyone
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For Your Specific Business needs and Ideas
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Reliable Assurance
At Civic MFB, your investment is guaranteed and secured.
Welcome To Civic MicroFinance Bank Limited

A Bank established in 2008 and fully approved by CBN(Central Bank of Nigeria) for the purpose of Banking. We pride ourselves in offering financial supporting system to our customers helping them in strategic planning to achieve optimum success in business.

Civic Microfinance Bank Limited, Ibadan previously called Agodi Community Bank Nigeria Limited, is a fully Capitalized Tier-1 Unit MFB which was duly incorporated as a private limited liability company at Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) on November 15th, 1993 but later transformed from Community Bank to Microfinance Bank on March 26th, 2008 and as well licensed by Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to carry on Microfinance Banking Business through a conversion programs on September 11, 2009.

Civic Microfinance Bank Limited was 100% and fully acquired and owned by Megamound Investment Limited on July, 2019 which fully recapitalized it in order to meet the CBN minimum Capital requirements for Tier-1 Unit MFB.

To run a microfinance bank that meets the needs and aspiration of the stakeholders and providing support to the enterprenurship and individuals

To become one bank for all microfinance banking services that support change and sustainability

  • Transparency
  • Integrity
  • Quality Assurance
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Dynamism
  • Prompt Excellent Service Delivery
  • Sustainability

Civic Microfinance Bank Limited
.: Our Products :.

Savings Account

Careful storage of your goods

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Current Account

Careful storage of your goods

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Credit & Loans

Complex logistics

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Fixed Deposit

Quick & save delivery of your goods

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Savings Acount

Savings Account is a high interest bearing account for individuals designed to enable saving towards a specific target with monthly interest return.

Current Account

Current Account is for business entrepreneurs and corporate organizations with access to world of convenience financial possibilities and services.

Credit & Loans

We offer loan as a working capital for entrepreneurs, corporate organization and individuals with existing businesses to help them boost their business.

Fixed Deposit

Fixed Deposit is for business entrepreneurs and corporate organization with capital to invest while earning a higher rate of interest over a fixed period of time.


Excellent Services for Everyone; Every time. Everywhere.

Remita (RRR) Service
E-Banking Services
Mobile Banking Services
Electronic Fund Transfer
USSD Services
Point of Sale Machine Services
Automated Teller Machine(ATM)
ATM Card Issuance
Agency Banking
Bill Payment Services
Financial Education/Literacy Services
Financial Advisory Services



We are transparent in all processing and transactions.

24/7 Support

Our helpline is readily available to direct investors and customers.

Brilliant Team

Civic seasoned staffs are professionals with experience.


Civic will meet your needs at all levels; corporate, individuals and artisans

Limited time offer


Inteme Trade

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After Shine

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.: Our Trusted Partners :.